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Security Testing Services

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At Dev Centre House Ireland, we prioritise digital safety, recognising the paramount importance of robust cybersecurity measures. Our services encompass vulnerability assessments, compliance reviews, penetration testing, and security audits, ensuring the comprehensive protection of data, applications, and IT systems around the clock. Our team of seasoned specialists consistently evaluates digital assets and security policies, significantly enhancing cyber defences to safeguard your business.

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Security Testing Services We Provide

DevSecOps Security Testing

By integrating security practices into the DevOps lifecycle, Dev Centre House Ireland ensures continuous security assessment. Alongside DevSecOps consulting, we foster collaboration among engineers, security specialists, and other stakeholders to build efficient and reliable software.

Software Security Testing

Our specialists conduct comprehensive software and network security testing, including code reviews and security assessments, to detect and mitigate security flaws. This thorough approach helps prevent security breaches, ensuring the software meets standards and performs as intended.

Web Security Testing

Our web security testing services are designed to identify and fix security vulnerabilities in web applications. We meticulously test web applications to uncover common issues like SQL injections, cross-site scripting, and other exploits that jeopardise web security.

Cloud Security Testing

In addition to cloud application development services, we assess cloud applications and infrastructures for vulnerabilities and loopholes. We focus on infrastructure security hardening, access control, and network security testing, which is crucial for businesses relying on a cloud environment.

Secure Code Review

Our specialists thoroughly examine an application’s source code, either manually or through automation, pinpointing potential security flaws or vulnerabilities. We identify and remediate logic errors, check specification implementations, and ensure adherence to style guidelines.

Compliance Testing

We ensure that the security measures in software and IT infrastructure conform to critical regulatory standards, such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, GLBA, GDPR, and more. This is vital for avoiding legal liabilities and building trust with authorities and target audiences.

Vulnerability Assessment

Our teams use scanning tools and manual analysis to identify security vulnerabilities in business IT infrastructures. Upon completion, our specialists provide detailed insights and actionable recommendations to bolster digital defenses.

Application Security Testing

We identify and mitigate security risks in source code through top-tier static and dynamic application security testing. Our specialists ensure digital solutions are resilient to potential weaknesses and maintain their integrity and reliability.

Mobile Application Security Testing

Dev Centre House Ireland assesses the security of mobile applications across various platforms (iOS, Android) to identify vulnerabilities specific to mobile environments. We address issues in code, data storage, data transmission, and authentication mechanisms.

IoT Security Testing

Beyond providing top-tier IoT software development services, Dev Centre House Ireland ensures sophisticated IoT-driven software is secure and consistent. We test back-end logic, wireless connections, exposed ports, and more, alleviating insecure device-to-device communication and addressing privacy concerns.

Automated Security Testing

In addition to meticulous manual testing, our security testing includes continuous and efficient automated security controls. This service involves regular vulnerability scanning and automated reporting, enabling businesses to swiftly mitigate potential threats.

Penetration Testing

Penetration testing services simulate real-world cyber attacks to identify weaknesses in digital systems. By conducting ethical hacking audits, we identify exploitable security vulnerabilities, strengthening digital defenses and enhancing security resilience.

Security Consulting

Dev Centre House Ireland offers expert guidance in developing and implementing robust security strategies. Our company provides tailored advice to address unique cybersecurity challenges, align security practices with business goals, and ensure customers can confidently face digital threats.

Social Engineering Testing

Our security experts replicate cybercriminals’ techniques to determine whether businesses can be tricked into revealing sensitive information. By simulating phishing attacks and other social engineering tactics, we help businesses strengthen their awareness and defenses.


How Much Do Our Security Testing Services Cost?

Determining the cost of our security testing services at Dev Centre House Ireland involves a bespoke, client-centric approach, ensuring that each project is uniquely priced to match individual requirements. The final cost can vary considerably based on several key factors. We conduct a thorough analysis of your business and technological needs to ensure the proposed solution aligns perfectly with your security goals and budget constraints.

  • Solution's Complexity
  • Type of Testing Involved
  • Specialised Expertise
  • Testing Scope and Depth
  • Project Duration
  • Post-testing Support


  • How long does the Security Testing process take?

  • At what stages should Security Testing be performed?

  • Is it possible to automate Security Testing?

  • How do you select the appropriate Security Testing Service or Provider?

  • What distinguishes Security Testing from standard software testing?

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